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Lakeside Baptist Church, Granbury Texas

Dr Tan Flippin
Dr Tan Flippin


Pastor of Discipleship

Stop by and visit with us today if you are seeking a church home.
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Office 817.573.2094 • Prayer 817.573.8588

500 W. Bluebonnet Dr. Granbury, TX 76048

LIFE groups


Sundays at 9:45 am
VERSE BY VERSE (Coed) Room 236 -  Our class is primarily made up of couples in their 30s and 40s, but we are open to any and all age groups who want to learn more about the Bible. We rotate between New and Old Testament books, studying God's word in a verse-by-verse format. Our class is discussion-oriented, and the goal is to understand the importance of the Bible and how to apply it to our lives. We love to fellowship with one another outside of class and are always looking for ways to serve others.

THE JOURNEY (Coed) Room 235 Teacher: Scott Mitchell - A broad-aged group of friends and families transitioning from parents of school and college-aged kids to empty nesters. This close-knit gathering of Christ-centered believers embarks on an exciting journey together through the Scriptures and life.

SALT AND LIGHT (Coed) Room 125 Teacher:  James Spencer - Our class is made up of a variety of ages. We would be excited for you to join us as we grow together spiritually and in fellowship.

TAG (To All Generations) (Coed) Room 238 Teacher: Bob Wilkins - Bible and Topical Study for couples and singles. Growing together in fellowship and discussion as adults in our 50's, 60's and above.

JOY (Coed) Room 122 Teachers: Ray Scott/John Kolak -Jesus, Others and You! Diverse group of couples and singles mostly over 40. We worship and study God's word together and apply it you our lives. Interaction in class is encouraged. Strong group of prayer warriors. Wonderful monthly fellowship potluck dinner and other social events. Warm welcome to visitors! Come join us!

SERVANTS (Coed) Room 126 Teacher: J.F. Poynor - We are a close-knit group of older adults including both couples and singles. We love and care for each other as we strive for a fuller knowledge of Christ. We desire to study the Bible weekly and make application of it to our lives as we grow in our Christian walk.

FIRM FOUNDATION (Coed) 239 Teacher: Vincent Logozzo - Our class exists for both couples and singles to study the basic foundations of the Bible, how they apply to our life, and how we should live differently as a result. We invite you to join us as we rightly divide the Word of Truth and study to show ourselves approved.
LIVING WATER (Women) Room 123 Teacher: Karen Yarnell - Ladies of all ages, welcome to learn more about Jesus together, enjoy fellowship with Christ, and share God in your daily lives.

BEREANS (Coed) Room 237 Teacher: Jason Wells - This class is for younger couples who want to study the Scriptures to see what God’s Word says and how it applies to them.

Sundays at 11:00 am

RESTORATIONS (Coed) Room 125 Teacher: Steve Davis - A multi-generational class with the goal of restoring people to wholeness in their relationship with the Father, and consequently to themselves. The class encourages group participation, values questions as much as answers, and enjoys having fun together as they take a deeper dive into who we are in Christ.

PTL (Praise the Lord) (Coed) Room 134 Teacher: Brad Humphrey - Our class consists of older adults that focus on three major objectives: learning how to better love the Lord, love each other, and love the lost. We are a large class that is divided into smaller groups that are like families. Our class membership includes couples, singles, and widows/widowers. You are invited to join us!

TRUTH SEEKERS (Coed) Outreach Center Loaves and Fishes Room Teacher: Mike Rutledge - We are a welcoming fellowship of believers who enjoy exploring the truth of God’s Word and its application to our lives through lively discussions full of insight, wisdom, and humor. Our group is engaged in evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, and ministry (John 17:17). We hope you will come visit us.

DISCIPLES 4 HIM (Coed) Room 236 Teacher: Bill Nichols - We are a non-age-specific adult class whose mission is to provide servant leadership in the spreading of God’s grace by prayer, worship, Bible study, discipleship, care-giving and fellowship. For more information visit

POWER AND LIGHT (Coed) Room 235 Teachers: Drew Williams and Larry Chambless - We are a LIFEgroup of age 55 and older consisting of both singles and couples who enjoy studying God’s Word with honesty, diligence, and good humor. We promote service both within our church body and in our community. Guests and newcomers are encouraged to join us.

AGAPE (Coed) Room 122 Teachers: Lewis Kruger/Rich Sanders -As our name implies, we are a group of couples and singles who love one another in the Lord. On Sundays we study books of the Bible verse by verse, alternating between the Old and New Testament. The purpose of our study is to carefully draw out the meaning of a passage in its original context and to make application to our lives as obedient believers in Christ. Our fellowship extends into the week as we meet for social gatherings or as we are involved in supporting various church and community ministries. Check us out and plan in going to lunch with us after our Sunday LIFEgroup meeting.

BIBLE SURVEYORS (Coed) Room 238 Teachers:  Bryan Bufkin/Kevin Killingsworth - Our LIFEgroup exists for couple and singles primarily in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. We study the Bible in a survey format, which means we look at the key topics of the books of the Bible. This allows class members to have a better knowledge of the major themes in the Bible. We welcome you to join us both to learn more about God’s Word and to fellowship with other believers.

BYKOTA (Be Ye Kind One To Another) (Coed) Room 239 Teacher: David Clinkscale - BYKOTA is an acronym for the biblical injunction to “Be ye kind one to another.” Our class is a dynamic group open to all who want to engage in in-depth Bible study. We pick a book of the Bible and spend whatever time we need in order to learn God’s truth and the ways in which that truth can be applied in our lives. Our class is very mission-minded. Class fellowships are also held monthly in class members’ homes.

LIGHT THE WAY (Coed) Outreach Center Teacher: James Fulton - Primarily ages 50 and up, but open to all. We are a diverse group of couples and singles. We study and discuss the Bible verse by verse.

GRACE (Women) Room 133 Teacher: Linda Lemmons - Our class is built around women with busy lifestyles. Single, married, and divorced women. Although our ages vary, we are a close group who minister and fellowship with each other. We also support each other through weekly email prayer requests. We welcome you to join us!

GAP (God’s Applied Principles) (Coed) The Edge/Room 244 Teacher: Ray Mouhot - The focus of this class is on studying the Bible from the perspective of younger empty nesters and parents of college students. Our class welcomes anyone no matter what age or stage of life.

MAKING DISCIPLES- (Coed) Room 126 Teacher: Corky Dawson All ages welcome.

REDEEMED- (Coed) Room 132  Our class is primarily for those 50 and older, but all age are welcome. Since Christ has redeemed us, we want to share what He has done in our lives. The mission of our group is to grow disciples toward being able to make more disciples. We also feel like serving our local community is a priority and that we can make a difference one life at a time.

Sunday at 5:30pm

YOUNG ADULTS (18-25) Outreach Center